What Occupies Your Thoughts?


My recovery journey started in early 2004 when I met Constance Rhodes, founder of FINDINGbalance, at a public speaking event. Through her talk, I learned that my eating and body image issues didn’t have to be any worse in order to be valid and worthy of getting help. A year or two later, she asked a question that truly stumped me: "What would occupy your thoughts if you didn't think about food (or body image)?" 

Well, 18-ish years later, I’m excited to report I have an answer! Here it goes… these are some of the things that occupy my thoughts:

  •  Procuring coffee with my favorite creamer;
  •  When/if I can fit in a nap;
  •  Work stuff, time management, and managing my energy;
  •  Memories of past events, whether trauma, shame, grief, loss, etc., and then releasing that to Jesus; 
  •  Who I can connect with today;
  •  What snarky, funny memes do I want to send, and to whom;
  •  Plans for the weekend- whether I need to rest, do things with people, or both;
  •  Pondering what I might be forgetting...
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