Just like seasons in nature, there are seasons in life. Sometimes seasons offer safety and predictability, and sometimes they can completely catch us off-guard. The freak snow in April and the hot December day come unexpectedly and disrupt the norm. The same is true in our lives. In my case, it's a prolonged illness that's morphed this summer into something I was not expecting. My visions of day trips with my kids have become hours of watching movies and playing video games. Thoughts of joyfully moving throughout my day have turned into afternoon naps on the couch. It’s not what I wanted for this summer, and that’s difficult.
In addition to my plans changing, my body has changed too; the lack of movement and the change in my diet have made a difference in how my clothes fit and how I feel in my body. This is more difficult. There was a time a few years ago that this would have set me into a panic. The feeling of being out of control would have consumed me. Not anymore.
My heart is in a new season of life as well. I will admit that the inner voice, grasping for control and changing my behavior, is there, but now there is a second louder voice; it is His voice, and it is grounded in truth.
The truth is that resting is caring for my body.
The truth is that my value as a person has not and will not change…ever.
The truth is that this is a season. It's not one l like, but it will not last forever. Just like the snow in April, it will be a passing memory soon.
These truths, rather than my emotions, guide my actions. I can ride the tide knowing that change is not always bad, and things will settle once again. Routine will develop in time. Most importantly though, I can ride the tide of this season, because my value is anchored in the Truth, and that Truth is unmoving.
My body will change, my routines will change, and my emotions will certainly change. There is such peace in chaos when our hearts are anchored in Truth, and we can ride the tide.
This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. -Hebrews 6:19
- Tammy Boyd
FINDINGbalance Prayer Group Coordinator & Group Leader. Mom of Boys. Family Chauffeur. Lover of Laughter. Community Creator. Freedom Chaser. Overcomer.
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