I remember well the back-to-school mix of emotions that would fall upon me as summer wound down; I remember the anxiety of seeing people for the first time in months, feeling dread in having to abandon the summer routines I had created for myself, and the discouragement that my summer hadn’t panned out in the perfect way social media portrayed others.
One summer that sticks out is the one before my senior year of college. I had spent the majority of that summer working hard at recovery and I spent some time in a partial hospitalization program after having already taken off a semester for residential treatment.
In my bubble of that "safe" and recovery-focused world, I felt good. I was proud of the progress I had made and I was excited for the school year to come…until I stepped back on campus. At my dorm, I was greeted with silent reminders that my break hadn’t looked like others'. I was faced with the challenges of living in recovery while back at school, a place that hadn’t held recovery-focused intentions in the past. While my summer was so positive, and while I felt so good just weeks before, the enemy was trying yet again to convince me it was not enough and I needed to return to the pseudo-safe haven of the eating disorder.
Maybe you spent this summer working hard towards recovery. Or perhaps you wanted to, but it didn’t happen. Or is the enemy trying to sneak in and convince you that you're not enough for whatever way you spent the Summer? When I found myself facing the school year ahead with anxiety and doubt, I tried to keep these three reminders at the forefront of my mind:
As you enter this new school year, I encourage you to look past all that is worldly and look towards something greater. Hold these reminders close and continue your walk towards true freedom.
- Taylor Coote, LSW
FINDINGbalance Grant Writer. Licensed Social Worker. Mom of two. Extroverted introvert. Coffee connoisseur. Overcomer.
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