Enjoy Your “Today Body”


Summer is upon us, and with it comes a whole slurry of emotions; the excitement and energy of more free time mixed with anxiety and uncertainty of schedule changes. Right in the middle of that is the reality that seasonal changes also mean wardrobe changes. For those of us struggling with body image issues, this brings a whole separate set of emotions as well.

Yesterday, I took the plunge and dug out my summer clothes. As I looked through each item in the box, I remembered when I last wore it and how it made me feel. Some items were from last year but there were also several that I hadn’t worn in years and still kept, "just in case someday I fit in this again.” Not anymore! I was tired of waiting and hoping. The dream of the “one day body" was keeping me from enjoying my “today body". I was over it, so I bagged up all the clothes that no longer fit me.

Even with this new resolution in my spirit, the lies that bombarded my heart were overwhelming. It felt like Superman in front of Kryptonite. (I have boys, so I have lots of superhero analogies.) The war inside was real and fierce.

I sat in the middle of my closet with a garbage bag on my lap and tears streaming down my face. “Jesus, I know You are here. Where are You in the mess that's my heart?” Amid my swirling emotions, I struggled to hold my ground, and the Holy Spirit whispered....

What would it look like for people to say ‘Wow! Her patience has grown over the last year!’ or ‘She must have worked hard because her pride has shrunk a size or two’ or ‘I need to do what she’s doing because her gentleness is the real deal.’"  

What if that was my focus? What if I focused more on my thoughts than my thighs? How would that change how I spend my time? Have I even noticed if my kindness has grown or shrunk this year? 

This season, as we're bombarded with swimsuits and “summer bodies,” let’s be honest and say that what we all long for is “unfading beauty”.

Well, friends, there's good news. Jesus tells us how to achieve it.

Do not be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. -1 Peter 3:3-4 NLT

Sweet sisters, I give you permission to show up to summer in the body you're in TODAY. Your “summer body” is your “today body”, the one you show up to summer in RIGHT NOW! Embrace it. It is beautiful. YOU are beautiful.


- Tammy Boyd

FINDINGbalance Prayer Group Coordinator & Group Leader. Mom of Boys. Family Chauffeur. Lover of Laughter. Community Creator. Freedom Chaser. Overcomer.



FINDINGbalance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing non-clinical support and encouragement to those battling food issues. The contents of this blog article, including any attachments, are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe a particular course of action. If you or someone you care about is battling an eating disorder, please seek care from a licensed professional. If you are in crisis and need immediate support, please call, text, or chat 988 to speak with someone at the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, 24/7.




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