Busyness and Being Seen


It was a busy Saturday. I knew the Thursday before that there was going to be no room for anything else in my schedule. The day started with an 8am doctor appointment, followed by drum lessons, watching a football game, and spending the afternoon helping my son with his English assignment. I knew all this going into the weekend; it was planned out perfectly in my head, down to the fact that I had a brief window at 11am to prepare dinner.

Saturday came, and it lived true to my expectations. I was moving from the moment I got out of bed, hopping from one task to the next. I was ready for this day; what I wasn't prepared for is how it made me feel.

7pm came. The appointments were done, the essay was written, the family was fed, and the kitchen cleaned up. I should have felt accomplished, and yet I felt empty.

I stepped outside to take a minute for myself, and the tears began to flow. Why? Exhaustion. I had worked hard. This pain was deeper, though.

As I pondered my tears, I realized it was not that I wanted or needed help, although help would have been nice. I had my day planned out to do it all by myself, what I really wanted was to be seen.

Did anyone notice all I did to make today work?

Did it matter at all?

To my family, it was just another Saturday.

I stayed outside gathering my thoughts and my composure. God brought a verse to mind. “The slave girl gave a name to the Lord who spoke to her. She said to Him, ‘You are God who sees me.’ This is because she said to herself, ‘Have I really seen God who sees me?’” -Genesis 12:13 NIV. Hagar and her son, Ishmael, had just been thrown out of Abram’s house because Sara, Abram’s wife, was jealous. They were alone in the desert, and God came to her. He met her where she was, and said, “I see you.”  

Friends, the same God that saw a slave girl in the wilderness sees you and He sees me. I often tell people, as a mom I am the oil of the family. Nobody really notices all the trivial things I do that keep the family running. Yet, God sees; He sees every task and He is pleased.

That Saturday, God met my lonely, weary heart and reminded me that I am not working unto others but unto Him. He sees me. He sees my efforts and He is pleased.

No matter what role God has you in right now, there are sure to be many unnoticed jobs that get done.

Beloved, these tasks may go unnoticed by those around you, but they are noticed by the God who surrounds you. They may feel unimportant in the big picture, yet they are of utmost importance to the God who is painting your picture.

You may feel unseen by those you are helping, but you are seen by the One you are serving. He is pleased.


- Tammy Boyd

FINDINGbalance Prayer Group Coordinator & Group Leader. Mom of Boys. Family Chauffeur. Lover of Laughter. Community Creator. Freedom Chaser. Overcomer.


FINDINGbalance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing non-clinical support and encouragement to those battling food issues. The contents of this blog article, including any attachments, are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe a particular course of action. If you or someone you care about is battling an eating disorder, please seek care from a licensed professional. If you are in crisis and need immediate support, please call, text, or chat 988 to speak with someone at the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, 24/7.

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