Being Seen & Known


I sit in the rolling chair at Sadie’s nail station and get myself comfortable. I always look forward to this bi-monthly treat! Sadie comes out from the break room and sits down, throws out a “hi” and we exchange pleasantries- about how it’s been seven weeks since I last saw her, and since that was just before Valentine's Day, I ask if she did anything special. She doesn’t answer me, and then I realize she’s got one side of her earphones in and she might be listening to something; unfortunately, this is the usual routine, so I just let her do her work. Why do I hope this will change?

Several minutes pass. I ask, “Do you think of yourself as an artist?“ No response. I do think Sadie is an artist because she makes my hands look pretty and my nails neat, fresh, and colorful. My hands have always been a part of my body that I don’t like. Maybe this is why I used to walk with my hands balled in a fist- hiding my fingers & nails, trying to make them invisible. I’ve had people through the years comment on my “old-lady hands“; even when I was 18 years old, one of the managers at a restaurant I was working at said it. I have my grandmother‘s hands, and I have my great-aunt’s hands. Both were Amy. Sometimes I think it’s a coincidence, and sometimes not.

I’ve been going to Sadie for 9 years. It began with a gift certificate for my birthday, then became routine as my nails started breaking and I needed stronger nails to get my Invisalign retainers out every time I ate. That's my excuse. Depending on how full Sadie's day is, the conversation is engaging; sometimes, like today, I feel she’s extremely focused on my hands (or is it her phone?) so she's quiet and seems distant. Sometimes I’m there for a quick half an hour, today she takes her time and seems to really “create”, and she gave me 45 minutes.

We all want to be seen & heard; to make friends, to have lengthy conversations and get to know each other; to love well, care deeply, and be known. Today, with this “Sadie encounter”, I‘m not feeling seen or heard AND I never feel known by her; I feel like I don’t exist or mean much to this person I’ve been going to for 9 years, other than someone who gives her money (and leaves feeling a bit better about how her hands look).

My God sees me and hears me (Psalm 139:1-2), He knew me before I was created in my mom’s womb (Jere. 1:5). He knows my thoughts before I speak, probably before I even think a thought. He knows the number of hairs on my head, the length of my life, and what my next move is in my day (Psalm 139:13-16). He knew before I walked into the nail salon how Sadie would react or not interact with me (Genesis 16:13).

God is with me as I leave the salon. He reminds me that each time I visit Sadie, she can’t fulfill the longings of my heart, or see me as He does, even if she can make my hands & nails look more beautiful. He tells me I'm beautiful, fancy nails or not.

(My husband tells me, "Nails are superficial. God’s love is eternal." Amen to that!)


- Amy Schaller

FINDINGbalance Outreach Coordinator. FREEdom Blog Editor. Wife, & Mom of an Adult Child. Retired Personal Trainer. Philanthropist. Novice Ukulele Player. Turkey Lover. Metal Stamper. Overcomer.


FINDINGbalance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing non-clinical support and encouragement to those battling food issues. The contents of this blog article, including any attachments, are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe a particular course of action. If you or someone you care about is battling an eating disorder, please seek care from a licensed professional. If you are in crisis and need immediate support, please call, text, or chat 988 to speak with someone at the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, 24/7. 




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