Enjoy these free resources to help you on your journey to freedom.
Phone Wallpaper
These backgrounds are designed to dress up your wallpaper or lockscreen with reminders of TRUTH!
Healthcare Visit Downloads
When recovering from an eating disorder, disordered eating, and body image struggles, stepping on the scale and talking about weight can cause unnecessary anxiety and shame. This often escalates when visiting the doctor, and causes some people to avoid getting the care they need.
We created the following printouts for you to facilitate an open discussion between you and your doctor, or your child's pediatrician, regarding being weighed and weight discussions during a healthcare visit. There's also one to share with your healthcare provider encouraging them to place it above the scale to help countless other women who struggle when being weighed.
We pray these help you feel empowered and supported!

"Disordered Eating Request" Printable
Designed to help those recovering from disordered eating facilitate an open discussion between you and your doctor.

"Eating Disorder Request" Printable
Designed to help those recovering from an eating disorder facilitate an open discussion between you and your doctor.

"Pediatric Weight Discussion" Printable
Designed to help parents and guardians facilitate an open discussion between you and your child's pediatrician.

"Scale & Worth Reminder" Printable
Designed to print and share with your healthcare provider to hang above the scale as a helpful reminder if patients must be weighed.